韦伯历史 韦伯美誉 韦伯技术


  阿尔伯特·韦伯是韦伯钢琴的创始人,是位杰出的音乐家及技艺非凡的艺术家。 1828年,阿尔伯特·韦伯出生于巴伐利亚,在很小的时候,就显示出了非凡的音乐天赋。16岁时,他已在本国的音乐家中享有很高的声誉。年轻的韦伯敏锐地察觉到,现有乐器的不足局限了他的艺术成就,他设想把制造真正精美的乐器作为自己成就事业的可能。为了学会造琴的技巧,他受雇于霍顿——当时的造琴大师。之后他又与著名的造琴大师凡·温克合作。不久,阿尔伯特·韦伯就向世人证明:不论是作为艺术家,还是造琴师,他都是一流的。而钢琴演奏家与造琴师的合二为一,演奏技巧与造琴技巧的结合,必将使他受益无穷。

  在1852年,美国钢琴家(Albert Weber)阿尔波特·韦伯首次制造了韦伯钢琴。继著名的匈牙利作曲家、钢琴家、弗朗兹.李斯特(Franz Liszt)之后,伟大的波兰钢琴大师帕德雷夫斯基(Ignaz Paderewski)开始使用了韦伯钢琴,随着他的声誉大增,“韦伯钢琴”获得全球性的声誉,渐渐的成为欧美钢琴家备受青睐的品牌。

  韦伯钢琴还被选定为西班牙国王阿尔方索(Alphoneso)十三世、英国的H.M.George五世、瑞典的Gustaf Adolf公主等欧洲皇室成员的首选钢琴。还因是华尔兹之父约翰·施特劳斯(Johann Strauss)认可的钢琴而享誉世界。

  著名的世界级调音大师Terry Walsh(史坦威专业调音工程师)和钢琴家们的交口称赞道:“韦伯钢琴是能够激发钢琴家手感的具有优秀触感的产品”,“在音质方面不仅张弛有度,而且还能保持清晰的音色。在瞬发力方面,亦可称得上是世界上最好的钢琴。”

韦伯历史   在创造新乐器时,阿尔伯特·韦伯对当时现有的造琴方法做了适当的改进。他在自己的钢琴中融入了他引以为豪的“韦伯音色”。在他的影响下,循规蹈矩的工人都变成了艺术家,造琴也变成了一种艺术。


  ALBRET WEBER, founder of the Weber piano, is a fine musician and skilled craftsman.Born in Bavaria in 1828, Albert Weber was early acknowledged a musical genius. At the age of sixteen he had attained a notable place among the musicians of his country. Young Weber felt keenly the limitations placed upon his art by the inadequacy of existing instruments. He envisaged the possibilities of a great career in the building of really fine musical instruments. To learn the technique of construction he entered the service of Holden, a master piano builder of that day, and later he was associated with Van Winkle, another celebrated piano maker. It soon developed that Albert Weber combined to an extraordinary degree the qualities of artist and artisan. And when the artist-artisan combination is that of a pianist and piano maker as well as the art of piano playing and the science of piano making, it must benefit him materially.

  In 1852, the American pianist Albert Weber manufactured the Weber piano for the first time. Subsequent to Franz Liszt, the celebrated Hungarian composer and pianist, the great Poland Piano master Ignaz Paderewski started to use the Weber piano, along with the rise of his reputation, the “Weber piano” had won global reputation and gradually become the favorite brands for the European and American pianists.

  Weber had been selected as the first choice piano of the European royal family such as Spanish king Alphoneso XIII, H.M.George V of Britain, Gustaf Adolf princess of Sweden, etc. It also enjoyed a high reputation worldwide because it was the piano which had been recognized by the father of waltz Johann Strauss. The famous tuning master of world level Terry Walsh (Stanwyck professional tuning engineer) and the pianists unanimously had this to praise: “product with excellent action which can stimulate the hand feeling of pianists”, and “ in terms of tone-quality, it not only renders proper relaxation and tension, but also maintains clear tone color. In terms of instant break-out force, it also can be called the best piano in the world.”

韦伯历史   In creating his new instrument, Albert Weber made a transformation in the existing methods of piano manufacture. He built into his piano what he was always proud to call His strong personal magnetism and unbounded enthusiasm were so reflected in the spirit of his craftsmen that they became almost as exacting as Weber himself. Under his influence machine-like workers were changed into craftsmen and piano building was lifted into the realm of art.

  Early in 1987, young chang instrument of Korea purchased the brand of Weber, beginning to produce in the head office Inchon, and exported all of the Weber pianos to every corner of the world. Till now, it is the first time that this high-end brand is launched in domestic China.

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